Shayna Blass

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09. This is my star is born, Lady Gaga moment with Emily Jeanne Brown

Shayna Blass1 Comment

Emily Jeanne Brown is on Shay & The Good People podcast today! The first time I met Emily was when she performed on S&TGP and I was really excited to get to know her more. Since this interview, we have become great friends. She really does it all, folks. She writes beautiful songs, has a voice that can charm the masses, has an MFA in acting, AND runs a consulting leadership business called OnVoice Coaching. As busy as she is, she made time to come into the studio with an aura of grace and groundedness that I wish I had! I highly recommend listening to her music after this episode.

In this ep, we talked about:

  • Emily’s background as a performer and how she got a guitar in her hand.

  • Emily and I don’t know anything about gear!

  • Psychology and identity as a singer.

  • Fearlessness and confidence at 14 years old vs. 30 years old.

  • Rick Rubin and The Creative Act - required reading for every human, but especially artists.

  • Self-forgiveness, self-compassion, inner child work, Oh my!!

  • How to stay in a creative flow.

  • Doing a lot of drugs and trying to be an artist seems like it would be really expensive.

  • Emily’s yearning to deepen her spiritual practice.

  • 46:00 - I asked Emily about the songs from her S&TGP set.

  • I asked Emily to tell me her love story with her husband - it’s so beautiful!

  • How to create an energetic container to write more songs.

Emily Jeanne Brown played on the June 6th, 2022 show of Shay & The Good People.

Songs in the episode by Emily Jeanne Brown:

Stream more music from Emily Jeanne Brown: Spotify | Apple | Bandcamp

Come out and see us live! Shay & The Good People happens monthly at Pete’s Candy Store (709 Lorimer St, Brooklyn NY). The music starts at 8:30 pm!

Follow us on Instagram for show dates: @shayandthegoodpeople.

Guest - Emily Jeanne Brown: @emilyjeannebrown

Host - Shayna Blass: @shaynablass

Pod edits + mastering by Irving Gadoury: @irvingg_recording

Episode recorded at New Daydream Media: @newdaydreammedia